I am so happy to be teaching art at OLQP this year!
In art class we will explore many different techniques, experiment with different mediums and materials, learn about artists and art history, create seasonal crafts, and so much more! Each lesson is geared to teach something new, develop fine motor skills, and give the children a sense of accomplishment and build self confidence!
Please check your child's supplies weekly and see that they have sharpened pencils, crayons, scissors, and a glue stick. Sometimes we may paint and an oversized t-shirt is suggested for the younger grades. I will let you know when we are going to paint.
Most art projects will be posted on Artsonia. Artsonia is a wonderful online art museum where I have created a portfolio for each student. Please grant access so you can see your child's work! They won't bombard you with email, but will send you a picture of your child's art when I post it. The younger kids LOVE knowing that their parents will be seeing their creations while they are in school! If you have misplaced the slip that was given out in class, please email me and I'll send you the link.
Here are a few of the amazing "Perspective Pumpkins" landscape that were created by the third grade today. Aren't they fabulous?